Just another weblog

Just a thought

The St. Petersburg Times this morning took note numerous times in assorted articles that campaigning for the ’08 elections has started earlier than ever before. I want you all to know right now that if Hilary gets elected as President of the United States (excuse me—I had a bad case of reflux)….I will definitely be moving to Italy.

You read it here. You read it today.

What would that make Willie? First………what?

2 Responses to “Just a thought”

  1. Hi people,

    interesting to read that there are Stuechers in St. Petersburg. We are Stuechers form Germany in Siberia. Living here among Khakas people and bringing them the Good News.

  2. Hello Stuechers in Siberia!!

    My family is also from Germany (with a name like ours I suppose that would be rather obvious!) Please respond with some information about yourselves. My father, Herbert F. Stuecher was born just down the Rhine from Koblenz in Bendorf. He has one surviving brother who lives in Michigan.

    I’m assuming from your comments that you are involved in some kind of mission work. I would enjoy very much hearing about it.

    I look forward to hearing back from you!

    Dan Stuecher

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